To the young mom whose life has zero chill, this is for you.
If you’re inwardly shouting, “That’s me!”, we’re going to see in a bit how the chill mom is not a myth, but can become your very present reality with the Lord.
Maybe you’re thinking: Chill? Mom? Those two words don’t belong together, at least not in my universe! I’ve got diapers to change, toddlers to chase down, and dinner to sort out. And that cliché about coffee getting cold…well, I didn’t even have time to make myself a cuppa…
But hey, isn’t that precisely why you’re reading this? You know there’s got to be a better way to live. And you’re right. Ready to be mindblown?
Here it is, in one word: REST.
Now hang on, before you head off to laze in bed for the entire day (though that might sound tempting), read on. Rest does NOT give us licenses to be lazy, but refers to an inward posture of resting in the Lord, while doing what needs to get done. As Jesus Himself said:
“Are you tired? Worn out? . . . Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. . . . Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. . . . Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
–Matthew 11:28–30 (The Message)
Sounds fantastic, but the question remains: HOW do we rest in the Lord?
We see it in the Bible story of two sisters, Martha and Mary. Jesus had dropped by their house for a visit, and Martha did the customary, appropriate thing of serving Him. But Mary did something very different: She sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word (Luke 10:39).
Before long, Martha got fed up and started to complain: “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”
In one fell swoop, Martha blamed two people: Her sister for leaving her to serve alone, and the Lord Jesus, for not caring about that. Although Martha’s desire was to serve the Lord, she ended up losing her temper with the very ones she loved. In her own strength, she ran out of steam.
Does that sound familiar? Do you busy yourself all day cooking, cleaning, and thinking that everything will fall flat if you let go for just a moment? Do you get frustrated when things become too much to handle, lose your temper with your loved ones, and feel guilty after? If so, check out Jesus’ loving response to Martha:
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”
Notice how Jesus wasn’t scolding Martha for serving, but He was gently pointing out her worry and anxiety in doing it? Likewise, today, He loves you too much to let you suffer under the weight of all that. He wants you to enjoy being a mom.
And the key to living that way is by doing the one thing Mary did, preferably before starting your day: She sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word (Luke 10:39). She was resting with the Lover of her soul, and allowing His words to impart peace and strength to her.
Even if you can only spare five minutes, Jesus would love to spend that time with you. You can meditate on His reassuring words to you, like those in Philippians 4:19 (AMPC): “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
If you’ve got no time to do it in the morning, you can still take a love break with the Lord whenever you can, pour out your heart to Him, read a verse or listen to a worship song, and let Him refuel you with His grace.
When you choose the good part–resting at Jesus’ feet and letting go of your stress, you will end up being so saturated in His love for you that it will overflow to your loved ones. Imagine wrapping up all your stress, worries and concerns into a tightly-woven ball, and tossing it into Jesus’ loving arms. Now it’s in His hands, not yours! When you realize that the Almighty One has got your back, you will smile more, be relaxed and at peace, and have the strength to accomplish all you need to do in your day. Best of all, you will find joy infused in your every day, laughing often and enjoying the precious moments with your little ones.
Moms, you can go through your every day, knowing that the all-sufficient Lord loves you and is with you to guide you in all things, and meet your every need to overflow. That’s the secret to being a chill mom, even when life has zero chill 😉
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Wow, this came timely. I am a mom-in-loco-parentis to my own mother and sister, as they have multiple chronic illnesses and I am their caregiver. Yesterday was Memorial Day so I had a day off of my full-time job as a social worker. I spent the day cleaning, and my sister asked me to cook. I lost my cool multiple times yesterday at the two people I love most in the world, feeling like I was the only one who can ever do anything, because I’m the only able-bodied, and feeling sad and upset that this is our lives. I literally said last night, “I give zero fricks and I got zero chill in me!” I never want that to be my default-I felt guilty and shameful each time I yelled. I’m trusting the Lord to take care of this.
This message is for me today. thank you so much for the Rest reminder.