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Am I asking too much of God?
Video | 1:39 min
Are there certain things that you’re just not sure whether you can ask God for? We’re talking about the seemingly frivolous things like a parking lot in a crowded mall, or how about the “bigger” more impossible-sounding things, like a miracle for your deteriorating relationship or healing for a terminal disease?
God doesn’t pick and choose which of our prayers He hears—He hears them all.
But being able to ask of God and to ask big of Him, comes from a place of knowing who He is to you. Hear all about it in our latest video.
The God you have is “able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us” (Eph. 3:20 AMP). And He is also a good Father who desires to give good things to His children (see Matt. 7:7–12).
Would you ask big of your God today? ????
This clip is from: Joseph Prince—Live Bold Without Guild And Fear (8 April 2018)
Categories: Doubt, Faith, Provision & Supply, Trusting God
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