Project Description
“Dear God, this year has been ____.”
Video | 5:23 MIN
What words are you putting in that blank today? Follow our main protagonist, Ashley, (whose year didn’t quite go the way she expected it to…) as she makes her way home for the holidays. Hit the play button and hear all about it.
No matter how your year has been, we pray that you won’t let your experience define how loved, valued and treasured you are by the Lord. As you spend this time with Him today, we pray that you’ll believe in God’s tender love for you, even as you watch this special video.
Psalm 36:5–6 MSG puts it like this, “God’s love is meteoric, His loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, His verdicts oceanic. Yet in His largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks.” <3
Psst, head over to the link below to watch the full acoustic cover of Goodness of God by Annette Lee!
Categories: Comparison, God's Love, Hope, Identity, Insecurity & Validation, Relationship With God
More on God’s love
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No matter what’s happened, I love you. — God
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