Project Description
Do you know how much I love you?
Video | 0:33 min
Have you ever regretted pushing someone’s love away one time too many? We just want to assure you today that you’ll never succeed in pushing away God’s love from you. Ever. (Tip: The faster you receive it though, the better life will be ?). Long before we even knew about God, He’d already sent His precious only Son, our Lord Jesus to die for our sins, so that our mistakes and failures would never stand in the way of us having an eternal relationship with Him (2 Corinthians 5:18–19). And He’s never stopped loving us since. Just take a moment to think about that…truly, God’s love for us is relentless.
This post is part of our free devotional series, 14 Reasons Why I Love You. Sign up to receive 14 love letters from God over the course of 14 days! And don’t forget to share it with someone you love. We know they’ll be blessed when they meet this very real, very personal and very loving God!
Categories: Relationship With God, Restoration, Right Standing With God
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No matter what’s happened, I love you. — God
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Thank you for these love messages. I receive them all. I want my daughter to know how much I love her, but she is hard to reach. So I am happy and I am sad, but I have deep JOY from JESUS!
Good morning my name is Ashanti Amador and I signed up to receive the 14 day Valentine’s Day devotional.. but I only received the devotional the first 4 days and then I just received this last one?
I love when I receive messages from you, but there’re not coming often enough, or on a daily basis. Keep them coming please, they are a positive and spiritual up lift. Thank You and God Bless! never know but for many people this video of Jesus loving us means more than anything to us on this Valentines day. I love it. There’s nothing compared to love that has no strings attached to it.???