Project Description
For the dad who feels unappreciated, watch this.
Video | 2:13 min
Hey dads, do you sometimes feel like it’s so hard to be the bigger person in your family? Especially when you had a rough day at work, the kids were rude, and you hardly receive a word of thanks for all you do? Then have a watch and see how you can father with greater joy by first receiving the Lord’s love for you (and you can definitely trust Him for more appreciative family members too! ;))
This clip is from Live Strong In The Father’s Love (18 Jun 2017)
Categories: Family, God's Love, Love, Manhood, Marriage, Parenting, Provision & Supply
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Hi Ms. Lizzy,
Awesome article! God bless you and keep you always in His care.
Grace and peace,
-Veronica G.
Hey …what is the name of this teaching?
Hi Tarin, this sermon is called Live Strong In The Father’s Love – 18 Jun 2017 🙂