Project Description

God wants you well

Video | 1:16 min

In Jesus’s time, the Roman law decreed that a criminal was either scourged and then released, or crucified right away. But Jesus was both scourged AND crucified. Why did Jesus have to go through that degree of torture?

For you.

Let those words sink in for a bit. Jesus was scourged for you; He was scourged for your healing and for your wholeness because it is by His stripes that you are healed (see Isa. 53:5). Jesus was scourged to the extent that there was no sliver of skin left on His back so that today, you can boldly declare that by His stripes, you are healed. Friend, He bore the stripes so that your body need not be scourged with diseases.

If you are still trusting God for your healing, we pray that you will not give up but continue to hold on to His truth and allow it to sink deep into your heart. Allow His love for you to be your strength even as your breakthrough is on the way. ????????

This clip is from The Way Of Escape In Every Trial (28 Aug 2016)

Categories: Doubt, Finished Work, God's Love, Healing, Health & Wholeness, Right Believing

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