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God’s bringing your enemies under your feet
Video | 1:45 min
Press play to discover the nine most powerful words that you can hold on to in the midst of your trials. See how this simple yet significant truth will give you rest even in the midst of your challenges, and how you can look forward to seeing your enemies under your feet with each new day.
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This clip is from As Jesus Is, So Are You (13 Nov 2016).
This video is part of our series, I Am—get a makeover for your identity AND see God’s loving heart for you. Watch the rest of the clips in this series below.
Categories: Breakthrough, Hard Times, Identity, Rest, Right Standing With God
Watch the rest of this series
God’s listening, even when you haven’t got a prayer left
Discover how the Lord never leaves nor forsakes you, even in your weakest moments.
God won’t leave you, even when you’re broken
Meet a God who doesn’t toss you out when you’re broken but brings you close and loves you ‘til you’re whole again.
God will never give up on you
Know what it’s like to be burnt out and exhausted, feeling all used up and abandoned because you’ve “outlived your usefulness”?
God is the enough that you can’t be for yourself
Find out why we sometimes lock ourselves in our own prisons, and allow this powerful truth to set you free from painful self-occupation.
God wants you to live unashamed in your true identity
What does it really mean to be the “righteousness of God in Christ”?
God wants to be the solution to your problems
When bad things happen, have you ever wondered, “Is God punishing me for something I did wrong?”
God’s bringing your enemies under your feet
Discover the nine most powerful words that you can hold on to in the midst of your trials.
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Thank you so much for all your encouraging videos. This particular one has brought hope back in my life when I was beginning to feel alone and defeated. Thank you I believe God for a home for my family and I and all our debts to be cancelled. And I believe that which the pastor said in this video that all the struggles that we are facing is getting under the Lords feet everyday. This word for me is a Miracle on its own. Grace to you…