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God’s #lifehack for good success
Video | 1:21 min
How is an (almost) 3000 year-old text relevant to us today? Well, watch our latest video to find out how God’s Word isn’t confined by time and space and can still speak to us even today (see Isa. 40:8).
As you spend time in His Word, you are spending time with Jesus Christ (the Word Himself), and in Him is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (see Col. 2:2-3 NLT) that you’ll need to #ownit in life—psst, it’s way better than depending on your natural smarts and experience!
Hit the play button now and share with a friend who needs to hear this!
This clip is from Where Is God In The Midst Of Your Trouble? (25 Apr 2018)
Categories: Blessings, God's Favor, God's Word, The Bible, Wisdom, Youth
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