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How to live a long and fulfilling life
Video | 1:04 min
Hit the play button and find out God’s plan for you to live a long and fulfilling life!
Psalm 91:16 reads, “With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.” God promises you not just a long life but a satisfying one, full of His goodness, wholeness and peace!
And psst, the word “salvation” in this verse is the Hebrew word Yeshua, the name of Jesus. God will satisfy you with a long life that is full of Jesus! (see John 17:3) If that’s your desire, would you ask of God today?
This clip is from Live Long, Live Strong (12 Aug 2018)
Categories: Blessings, Faith, God's Plan, Prayer, Trusting God
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Amon!Truely with long Life God is satisfying me and showing me his salvation! Amen.
Thank you this is really helping me live a stressed free and gracious life.. God bless
Amen Amen, he shall surely satisfy me with a long abundant life.
Thank you for this, God bless you.
Thank you for this wonderful and timely message especially this time where we hear about dreaded diseases, wars and pestilences. I remind myself daily that I and my family are exempted from evil because we take refuge in Yeshua. Amen