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Identity switch: The innocent is counted guilty, so the guilty could walk free

Video | 2:09 min

Can you imagine an innocent man bearing the punishment for another person’s crimes? That was exactly what happened at the cross—where our Lord Jesus bore the judgment for all our sins, though He was perfectly holy.

Not only that—because it wasn’t just any man who died in our place, but the Lord Jesus Himself—our sin debt has been overpaid.

Through Jesus’s finished work, He also bridged the gap between us and God for all time, enabling us to call Him our Father.

This clip is from God’s Plan To Bless You (2 Mar 2014)

This video is part of our series, The Case For Grace—discover why grace isn’t #basic at all. Watch the rest of the clips in this series below.

Categories: Blessings, Finished Work, Forgiveness, Grace, Identity, Right Standing With God, Sin

Watch the rest of this series

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