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Is there a place for women in ministry?
Video | 1:56 min
So goes the age-old question that has had many a feminist up in arms: Are women lesser than men? And possibly for some of us believers: Was the Apostle Paul in the Bible a chauvinist? And can wives have a greater ministry in church than their husbands? We hope this video will shed a little light.
This clip is from Having A Heart For The King (21 Aug 2011)
Categories: Gender, Leadership, Purpose & Destiny, The Church, Womanhood
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Is there a place for women in ministry?
So goes the age-old question that has had many a feminist up in arms.
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Lizzy ty. For many years I have been silent in my work for the Lord. I left diabetes over power my health year after year since 1986. My Dad David Neal was a gifyed farmer in his own yard. Everywhere he always had fresh veggies, fruit trees. Mom Rose Neal canned much of these awesome provisions. I was given by God dads harvest kept multiplying thru the years.
I have not been a farmer everywhere I live. It woyld not only stop my rebellion food choices diabetes poor health but canning would be God’s harvest multiplying from theses
prosperours ways. Ty you are stirring me
along with Pastor Prince to get into gear. I am a couch potatoe not using God’s gifts in my body to reach out to others. My trails, temptations, over coming victories which are many would help others. Writting long letters, prayers & text & e mails could touch others knowing someone else knows what they are feeling, going thru or experiences with all the questions & hurts that are so painful.
Today Jesus revealed unto my heart His healing is waoting for me to get into avtion along with my faith.
I love God’s words ” all things are possible with God & me united as one new woman doing what His Holy Spirit is guiding me together. Never alone ever.
Devil has had my living tangled into a miserable living long enough. Food for health is my first step. Doing Lords work wherever He wants me is second step.
Lizzy keep on helping others like you are reaching out. Financial limitd keeps me from helping right now. But Mal 3: 10-12 I will start claiming His words, His primises & allow multiply harvest flow .
I love Pastor Princes love of Lord & Paul’s teaching. Grace, favor, mercy with on going love in action. Wow! Lord ty that Holy Spirit is our comforter just for each of us, what do you need me to do?
Ty love ypu thru your love of Lord to touvh us.
This message is the confirmation I’ve been waiting for. Since the Lord called me when I was 17 years old my parents said ‘no’. I asked for permission to go to Bible School but my parents told me so go to college. Time passed, I backslid when I returned to the Lord in my early 20’s I became active and impassioned for the Lord and the ministry. As the years went by, I told my pastor that I feel called to be a pastor. He said ‘no’ only men are allowed by God to pastor. That devastated me and discouraged me and again I backslid, turned my back from the Lord and ministry. In my mid-thirties, I returned to the Lord and became active in the ministry. My pastor is a woman and I was encouraged to pursue God’s call for my life. I went to bible school and I was happy. But still at the back of my mind I can still hear the ‘no’s’ from my parents and former pastor. Even I am continuing in ministry I still encounter male pastors who would not give me a chance in leadership because I am a woman. I encountered the Gospel of Grace in 2008 and the Lord opened my eyes and He opened doors for me to teach and preach grace to people but still I cannot own my calling. I am not sure if God approves of a woman in leadership role in ministry, I doubt myself, I doubt if God really called me. Just recently, I prayed, I asked the Lord ‘if you really called me, please confirm that You approved me and called me into the ministry.’ Wow! This message of Pastor Prince confirms it and gave me the validation and permission I’ve been waiting for. God is not a God of restriction but of many permissions. Thank you Pastor Prince.