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Is there discipline and correction under grace?

Video | 1:26 min

The words “discipline” and “correction” probably aren’t our favorite ones to hear and after hearing so many grace-filled teachings, we may fall under the impression that there is no correction or discipline under grace.

But check out our latest video and hear how our heavenly Father disciplines and corrects us—never with sicknesses or accidents—but with His Word and the people around us.

Proverbs 3:12 reads, “For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.”

See how God sometimes uses difficult people and frustrating situations not to tear us down, but to build our character, and to set us up for lasting success.

This clip is from Godly Discipline And Correction Brings Promotion (22 Jul 2018)

Categories: God's Love, Relationship With God, Right Believing, Spiritual Growth

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