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The God who shows up (Elijah Bible Study Part 1/3)
Video | 2:28 min
Bible reading for today: 1 Kings 16:29–34, 1 Kings 17, 1 Kings 18
Elijah lived in a time where Israel was tyrannized by the wicked King Ahab and his wife Jezebel, who worshiped the god Baal (1 Kings 16:30–32). But watch the video to see how God majestically showed Himself to be the one true God (check out 1 Kings 18:20–40 for the full story).
As God listened to Elijah’s cries back then and showed up, He hears you today and is your very present help in time of need.
While God’s fire, which Elijah called down, completely burnt up the animal sacrifice AND the altar, Jesus is still alive today. He rose again after sacrificing Himself to bear all the judgment for our sins through His death on the cross, and He’s the reason why you can live as God’s fully forgiven, fully loved child today, and His love makes you an overcomer in life.
This clip is from Win Over Discouragement Depression And Burnout (19 Mar 2017)
This video is part of our Elijah Bible Study series, where we explore how Elijah was depressed and even suicidal at one point, but God never left him and loved him EVEN MORE in those times. Watch the rest of the series below.
Categories: Encouragement, Finished Work, Hope, Right Standing With God
Watch the rest of this series
Lost your way? God’s still around. (Elijah Bible Study Part 3/3)
Meet the God who draws even closer in your valley moments/seasons of discouragement, depression and burnout.
God’s with you, especially when you’re down (Elijah Bible Study Part 2/3)
If you've ever done things because of fear that seemed totally irrational on hindsight, you're not alone.
God is nowHERE. (Elijah Bible Study Trailer)
If you're feeling low today, know that God loves you, you're not alone, and He’s got the way out.
The God who shows up (Elijah Bible Study Part 1/3)
As God heard Elijah’s cries and showed up, He hears you today and is your very present help in time of need.
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Thank you so much Jennifer!! have a nice week
Amen & Amen!