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The price for your healing has already been paid
Video | 1:04 min
Are you trusting the Lord for healing today? Whether it’s healing for a common cold or healing for a long-term condition, we pray that the truths shared in this video will set you free.
The pain you’re struggling with and the feelings of discomfort are real but your healing will not come from you focusing on your condition. Today we pray that you’ll turn your eyes away from what you can see and feel, and choose to keep your gaze on Jesus and His finished work on the cross. He bore the punishment required for your well-being and He bore the stripes for your healing (see Isa. 53:4 AMP).
Whether you’re partaking of the Holy Communion or praying for healing, do it in remembrance not of your pain or condition but do it in remembrance of Jesus and all that He has done for you at the cross. As you choose to fix your eyes on Him, we pray that you’ll allow the truth that Jesus has already paid for your healing to sink deep into your heart. ❤️
This clip is from A Fresh Revelation Of The Communion Brings Healing (13 Jan 2019)
Categories: Finished Work, God's Love, God's Word, Healing, Holy Communion
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