Project Description
The unlikely cure for loneliness
Video | 1:51 min
“Do something fun. Get a social life. Be the friend you want to have.”
While this advice might help in those lonely moments you face, did you know that there’s Someone whom you can already turn to, next time the loneliness hits? He might be the God of the universe, but He ALSO wants to be your constant companion and closest friend. Watch to find out why He’s the best remedy for your loneliness, and share this video with your friends, too—cuz God knows we all experience loneliness from time to time. ❤️
Read our accompanying article here.
This clip is from The Cure For Your Lonely Heart—Comparing John 3 and 4 (1 Dec 2013)
Categories: God's Love, Hard Times, Rejection, Relationship With God, Relationships
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Sarah, loved this! I was struggling with feeling alone several months ago. I began to spend almost all my spare time watching different bible teachers and pastors on TV and on the internet. I read my bible and anything written by Christian authors. I listen to Christian music. Almost all my discussions with friends are about what I’m reading or listening to currently. I’m living intentionally and looking for God’s hand in every detail of my day. I talk with Him constantly throughout the day. What a difference I am seeing in my attitude, my thoughts and what I say to others. God is so good. He’s my best friend. I used to have issues with depression. Now, I’m able to see when the devil tries to attack and know what’s really going on is spiritual warfare. I’m able to encourage my family and friends. Thank you for your affirming words. May God richly bless you as you continue to serve Him.
I believe Jesus is the CURE for the lonely heart! I thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord!
I confess Jesus today,tomorrow and in the future the cure for a lonely heart and what a friend we have in Jesus.Every day i feel joy to hear about Jesus,to see him in the scripture at first i lack faith but he gave me faith and strength to go forward.Thank you Jesus thank to pastor Joseph prince teachings and decibel one team be blessed guys.
Thank You Sarah, that was great! keep it up.
Love this message so much. I posted in my status in WhatsApp and everyone was asking if they could have the video. So blessed
It’s funny you mentioned Baymax….at the end of the movie when Hero had to let Baymax go, and Baymax said, “Hero, I will always be with you”, it reminded me of Jesus saying to us “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Enjoyed the article!
Thank you… for these words
Thanks Sarah, The more I read of your articles the more conscience I am of My Saviors love. It has given me more confidence and I am so very great-full.
Thanks to our Lord for leading me to decibel – 14 days of love is knocking me out! God bless 🙂
I am so glad and grateful that a friend referred me to Decibel One, and suggested I sign up to the 14 days of Love Letters.
I have been feeling incredibly lonely for a while now, and I guess I needed reminding that God loves me, and is always here for me. I have been feeling despondent, living in a new country, recently moving to a new city, and I’ve never been so far away from any family before, that I can’t just go and visit for an afternoon or something.
I’ve been struggling to find work as well. I have prayed, but it often feels like no one is listening.
This has shown me that my loneliness isn’t about not having people around, it’s about not remembering that God is there for me. So thank you, I needed this more than you know.