Project Description
This is how much I love you. —God
Video | 2:21 min
Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him (Jesus)…” (Isa. 53:10). Have you ever read this verse and wondered how this could be possible? Watch and find out why in this animated video—with a very sweet and personal story from Joseph himself. Psst: It’s all about God’s extravagant love for you and me—how He willingly gave up even His one and only Son, our Lord Jesus to save us from our sins, (see Rom. 5:6–8 MSG). We pray you’ll experience your heavenly Father’s deep compassion for you afresh today.
This clip is from The Prayer That Repairs Your Body (10 Sep 2017)
Categories: Finished Work, God's Love, Illustrations, Love, Relationship With God
More on having a relationship with God
No matter what’s happened, I love you. — God
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That really touched my life with t love of God at a time when I am trying to figure out God’s direction in my life after a divorce n no finances. Thank you so much for sharing! I want to send a love offering in t future — Lord increase this ministry n Joseph Prince more n more to be a blessing to multitudes in Jesus’ Name
I am 64 soon to be 65 yrs young because of the message of Grace & Truth that Jesus brought into my life.
I thought of my granddaughter who just turned 24 yrs today. She is a young single adult with an baby who will be 8 months old this month.
I am going to share this with her and my son who will be 48 yrs this October.
Thank you for making these short videos that are so full of life and hope.
I love this ministry and have bought spanish books of ‘Destined to Reign’ and ‘Unmerited Favor’ for my husbands brother & sister in law who are Pastors of a little mission church in Mexico Joseph Prince with them.
Just like the books this video has such impact!
Thank you!
Awesome video. Very powerful graphic illustrations. God bless you Pastor Prince and Team Joseph Prince Ministry, for labouring in the Grace of God. We are following your lead in spreading the Good News of God’s unmerited favor. Thank you. Love you all.