Project Description
Want to see results when you pray? Watch this.
When you have a prayer request, are you hesitant to go to the Lord for help, or do you boldly declare that Jesus has already paid for your request on the cross? If you’re unsure of whether God wants to answer your prayers, we hope this video clip reminds you that whatever you declare over your life has already been done in heaven (see Matt. 16:19 AMP).
Friend, God doesn’t need to be persuaded to help you, He already made that decision 2,000 years ago when He sent His Son to die in your place. On the cross, Jesus took away every sickness, curse and pain. The best part? He also made you righteous and an heir to every blessing and promise of God. So, don’t underestimate the power of your prayers that declare Jesus’ finished work. Through these declarations, by faith, you are proclaiming that God is the solution to the problem you are facing, and through the finished work of Christ, what you’ve declared shall indeed come to pass! ????????
This clip is from How To Pray And See Results (4 Nov 2018)
Categories: Blessings, Faith, Finished Work, Prayer, Provision & Supply, Right Standing With God
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