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What you need to know about the holy Communion

Video | 1:24 min

The holy Communion.
Is it for everyone? Can we partake of it? Why do we partake of it?

Find out the answers to all these questions in this special clip.

Every time we partake of the holy Communion, we are conscious of how Jesus’ body was broken for our wholeness, and His precious blood shed for the forgiveness of our sins. Whenever we partake in this consciousness of Jesus and His finished work, we are shifting our focus to His righteousness and not ours.

Today, when you partake of the bread, you are declaring that Jesus’ health and divine life flows in your body! When you partake of the cup, you are declaring that you are forgiven and have been made righteous—right with God! You can go boldly in God’s presence and when you pray, you can be sure that God hears you.

So, go ahead and partake boldly today! ????????

To find out more about the holy Communion or how to partake of it, check out the article on our website. ????

This clip is from Joseph Prince—The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion (24 Feb 2019)

Categories: Grace, Healing, Holy Communion, Right Believing, Right Standing With God

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