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When you aren’t seeing God’s favor in your life
Video | 1:35 min
Difficult colleagues at work, missed opportunities and tough seasons that have left you wondering if you’re really highly favored and thinking, “Where is God’s favor in this?”
Hit the play button and hear how God’s favor upon you is irrevocable and even on the days when it doesn’t feel that way, God is working behind the scenes in YOUR favor. ????✨
This clip is from Godly Discipline And Correction Brings Promotion (22 Jul 2018)
Categories: God's Favor, Hard Times, Relationships, Spiritual Growth, Work
More on God’s favor
Do you believe that you have God’s favor?
Do you really believe you are favored by the Lord? Or have circumstances caused you to think otherwise?
When you aren’t seeing God’s favor in your life
Hear how God's favor upon you is irrevocable even on the days when it doesn't feel that way.
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Oh, thank you so so much, Joey for this! It couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time. I’m at work and so many thoughts are going through my head i.e. Although, I’m grateful for the job God has so graciously blessed me with, but I hate this job…I’m can’t stand working with my coworkers…and I’ve been applying for other jobs and praying God’s Favor for open doors of opportunities to walk through the best job specifically designed with me in mind. But, I wasn’t really feeling like this would happen for me. I’ve dealt with so many disappointments in my life, I just learned to go with the flow of how things would turn out. Although, I would remain hopeful until whatever I hoped for just didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped, then I would just move on to the next thing. Then I read the above post. The first sentence caught eye, cause it really hit home–Difficult colleagues at work—so I watched to the clip. I vaguely remembered watching this message on TV. So I wrote down the title and date of the message and checked on my iPad to see if I had downloaded this message, and I had (listened to it again and again). But, what’s so amazing is after the clip finished the recorded video, “Yes and Amen,” came up next. I watched as tears welled up in my eyes, because the day before (August 14) Devotional reading in the Destined to Reign Devotional was, “You (I) Have The Same Favor Jesus Has.” Sometimes I may feel impressed to jot down some things in the margin of the devotional that may come to mind. So, after reading yesterday’s devotional, I wrote the following on that page in my devotional–Thank you for your UnDeserved, UnEarned, UnMerited Favor…Thank you that no good thing will you withhold from me—those who walk up rightly (Psalm 84:11)…Thank you that all of your promises are “Yes and Amen!” (2 Cor. 1:20). Again, thank you Joey for posting this at the right time. Thank you Pastor Prince for always being a willing vessel for God and allowing Him to pour more of Himself in you. May God continue to enlarge your boarders. Your are such a gift to the Body of Christ! And Thank Abba for always loving me…always blessing me…always being faithful to me..always going before me and last but certainly not least (cause I can go on and on) always preparing the way for me. Sorry, it’s so long, but I had to share this.
This song has been helping me to see victory where I haven’t seen it yet.
Beautiful and encouraging.