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While you wait for your healing
Video | 2:06 min
Sometimes the wait for healing to take place feels long, and we still experience pain and lying symptoms that remind us that we are still waiting. ???? In this clip, Pastor Prince shares a beautiful image to bear in mind as we wait and partake of the Holy Communion.
In these seasons of waiting, let’s declare, “By His stripes, I am healed!” while seeing the seeds of our healing springing forth from Jesus’ stripes. And know that seeds, no matter how small, are all it takes to turn into trees that bear great fruit. Because His resurrection is a receipt of payment, SURELY our Lord Jesus has paid the full price of our healing on that cross and our manifestation of health is on its way!
Now, have you gotten your Holy Communion elements ready? ????
This clip is from Joseph Prince—A Fresh Revelation Of The Communion Brings Healing (13 Jan 2019)
Categories: Doubt, Faith, Healing, Holy Communion, Trusting God, Waiting
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