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Why God is not angry with you today
Video | 0:48 min
Would you believe me if I said that you’ve got an unbreakable relationship with God?
Whether you think you’ve failed one time too many or are now suffering the consequences of your umpteenth bad decision—God is right here with you. He still loves you and He wants to put the broken pieces of your life together again.
If you’re frowning right now and wondering, “How’s this even possible? I feel that God’s happy with me when I’m being morally perfect, but I don’t think He’s pleased with me when I fail—when I lose my temper at my spouse, make a grave mistake at work, or fall asleep in church again.”
Perhaps for you, failing looks more like this: Being unable to stop downing alcohol. Getting high and hating yourself for it. Or even getting into an affair which has resulted in your spouse wanting a divorce.
Yes, all that is sin and God is against sin for sure, because He loves you, loves your family, and He knows that sin will do nothing but destroy you.
If you’ve been a Christian for some time, you might be thinking—but doesn’t God’s Word say that the wages of sin is death? Do I, then, have a death sentence hanging over my head?
The truth is—thank God—we’ve been freed from that sentence because Someone died in our place. Yes…Someone loved every person in this world enough to do that.
What’s more, it wasn’t a mortal man who died for us, but our Lord Jesus Christ. God loved us enough to give up His only Son, who had never sinned in His life, to die a torturous, painful death on the cross on our behalf (see John 3:16; 1 Peter 3:18, TLB).
Jesus bore God’s full punishment for every single wrongdoing we have committed and will ever commit, so we could be approved by God, made acceptable to Him and have a relationship with Him, because all our sins have been forgiven (2 Cor. 5:21, AMPC; Eph. 1:7, GNT). Not just that—beyond being freed from a death sentence, we now have eternal life in Christ (Rom. 6:23).
But of course, there are still real consequences on Earth for our actions. Maybe the alcohol and drugs you’ve taken have wrecked your body. Or your marriage is in ruins because of a mistake you made. You might even be reading this from a prison cell for a crime you’ve committed.
But because of this unbreakable relationship we have with the Lord, know this: He is still with you (Heb. 13:5), and He has plans to turn your life around, to give you a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11, NIV). Don’t give up on yourself because He hasn’t given up on you. He can heal your body wrecked by alcohol and drugs. He can give you the resolve to break away from that affair and restore your marriage and mend your family.
And as you keep your eyes on the Lord; by reading about Him in the Word (tip: don’t see it as reading a book, but getting to know the most amazing Person in the universe), worshipping Him, or simply taking walks and enjoying conversations with Him, you’ll be transformed into His image from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18).
Jesus’ death and resurrection is the reason why you can have hope even when it seems like the rest of the world has given up on you. His finished work has closed the distance between sinful man and a holy God for all time. It’s the reason why you + Him = the #relationshipgoals you’ve always wanted. This is a relationship that will keep on giving to you for all eternity.
If you’re not a believer and would like to receive Jesus into your life and enjoy this relationship today, here’s a video that’ll lead you in saying the salvation prayer.
This clip is from Find Protection Under His Wings (20 Mar 2016)
Categories: Finished Work, Forgiveness, Grace, Guilt & Shame, Right Standing With God, Sin
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That’s good stuff, Hallellujah! Amazing Grace! Joseph Prince ministry you are making a difference, you made it in my life. Blessings, blessings to you all.
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Dear Sarah! You warmed my heart… I cried… Thank you!… The Lord has a wonderful daughter !!
Amazing to have this wonderful news available as a reminder God is not angry with me for my mistakes. I can rise up each day and know I am acceptable to God because of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Power and freedom are found in the truth of Jesus and what He has accomplished for me, Amen??
Thank you Lord that despite my unworthiness, your love is unconditional.