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Why you don’t have to be afraid of your problems
Video | 1:39 min
What if I tell you right now that the problems you are afraid of are actually afraid of you?
Say whaaat? Hit the play button and hear this powerful truth for yourself!
Deuteronomy 28:7 reads, “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.”
Beloved, you are fighting FROM a place of victory not for victory. Jesus has already given you the victory at the cross and today, at the name of Jesus, every problem and disease has to bow (see Phil. 2:10-11). AMEN?
This clip is from Draw The Blood Line Of Protection (19 Aug 2018)
Categories: Faith, Fear & Worry, Identity, Right Believing, Sharing Faith
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Your msgs are very encouraging. To me, some time they come as booster to face real life situations. Thanks dear. God bless you
Thank you for bringing to our remembrance the enemy is afraid, he is a defeated foe, and we have the victory
Your fears are afraid of you because of Whose you are. Amen! No wonder the constant reminder of “Fear not”, “Do not be afraid”. May God, out Father, creator of all, continue to bless Decibel One. Amen
Thank you, I was afraid to call out from work .I work two job and I was scheduled to work both of them one was in the morning from 9:30-2pm and the other was from 2:30 -10:30pm so I Cancel the night 2:30-10:3. I prayed and then all
My prayer partner , she explained how Condemnation was coming again me and the accuser . I was so released when I call the job to let them know I was not coming in.
Gwen in Maryland
I needed this tonight! Thanks so much!