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Why you need not worry about tomorrow
Video | 1:45 min
Ever had days or even entire seasons of your life where you just don’t feel on top of your game? If you’re a millennial, feeling painfully #notenough might even seem like the story of your life. As part of the largest and most educated generation in history, you find yourself embroiled in fiercer-than-ever job competition, and that the college diploma you slogged so hard for isn’t as valuable as you thought it was. Not just that—you’re drowning in thousands of dollars of student loan debt.
But did you know that our Lord Jesus understands what you’re going through perfectly, and He’s got the way out?
Jesus was once faced with a situation of overwhelming demands as well. But there was something He did which turned it into one of overflowing supply. The good news is, as a believer, you can do it too because He lives in you (Galatians 2:20).
He was once approached by a crowd of over 5,000 people, and the only food He’d to give them were five loaves of bread and two fish (you can check out the story in John 6). Anyone would despair in such a situation—but Jesus’s response was out of this world. He got the people to sit down, took the loaves and gave thanks. (John 6:11)
In other words, Jesus got a different perspective. He turned His eyes from the blindingly visible lack, and unto His heavenly Father who, though invisible, was very present, willing and able to pour out His more-than-enough supply into the situation.
That was just what happened—and spectacularly too. As Jesus and His disciples distributed the five loaves and two fish, the food multiplied until everyone ate to their fill, with 12 basketfuls of leftovers! Yes, He’s truly the God who can do anything, far more than we could ever imagine, guess, or request in our wildest dreams (Ephesians 3:20, MSG).
And what’s best is that the Lord gives us His supply in our everyday too. When His people, the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness, He provided them fresh manna every morning and quail every evening. (Exodus 16:13–16)
For that work presentation you’ve got tomorrow, He wants to give you all the favor and supply you need to ace it. For the debt that’s weighing on your mind, He wants to give you the supernatural wisdom and resources to pay it off restfully.
So will you get to know this amazing Savior in His Word today, and fill your heart with His largeness and His great love for you? It’s our prayer that you’ll come to realize how He is more than enough for all of your not-enoughs—and start winning in life.
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This clip is from Receive God’s Grace For All Of Life’s Demands (13 Oct 2013)
Categories: Fear & Worry, Grace, Insecurity & Validation, Provision & Supply, Stress, Work
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What a Wonderful GOD that we serve! Thank you all for your gracious manifestation of LOVE!! God bless you all!
Thanks so much for this encouraging word. Leading a small group and know by His grace I will be able to do this.
I LOVE WHAT YOU ALL DO for Jesus and the Gospel of Grace. Thanks for making pastor Prince’s messages to creative and lively. I love it and I am so touched and impacted by Jesus. To God be the highest praise and glory forever and ever. May what you all do be used by God to impact and touch millions. Amen. Thanks Sarah and team for saying yes to Jesus.
God bless you Sarah.
very grateful for this encouragement
Loved it and needed it. especially now after this storm. Thank you, Joseph Prince. and most of all Jesus.
I really enjoyed Joseph’s message today.
I’m 56, recently suffered cardiac arrest, 5 broken ribs which lead to leak into body from cardonary edema – but 8 minutes of working on me with CPR, I was saved in ER. Just two months later my husband Dan affected his behavior- saying he exact same thing. Because of our health, we lagged on rent and getting evicted within a month. i pray everyday for solutions, show me the path, i no longer know what to do and find myself in constant prayer. We are at the end, nowhere to turn and i’m ready to give up. There doesn’t appear to have much hope. I’m back to chasing pain pills go excape my reality. what to do??
As you can guess, Billy, the brother is chasing gabbing, my sister in law is denial and i’m turning back to pain pills to help numb this situation. augh…..
I’m 56, recently suffered cardiac arrest, 5 broken ribs which lead to leak into body from cardonary edema – but 8 minutes of working on me with CPR, I was saved in ER. Just two months later my husband Dan affected his behavior- saying he exact same thing. Because of our health, we lagged on rent and getting evicted within a month. i pray everyday for solutions, show me the path, i no longer know what to do and find myself in constant prayer. We are at the end, nowhere to turn and i’m ready to give up. There doesn’t appear to have much hope. I’m back to chasing pain pills instead of exercising?? Feeling useless and helpless to my own problems is crazy. What to do with faith so low and no time to fix everything – especially me!! it’s like end of that rope.
God is alive and real in our hearts with Holy Spirit. With such wonderful blessing of God’s grace I as an elder of YFGC Seoul am pleased to serve God, passing grace side by side to whom I know. Hallelujah.
I love it tomorrow my wife starts a new job and this is exactly what she needed to hear thank you very much
I have been so blessed through NCC. Truely this is the gospel of God that was forgotten but Jesus brought in back into the Church. AMEN ♡
God continue to bless you. To God be the glory forever. Amen!
I just had time/took the time, to slow down and watch this video and read this encouraging word. Thanks to Pastor Prince for always preaching the truth and encouraging me right where i am. I am a mom of two, 16-daughter and 11-son, and I have husband that travels with his work often. I volunteer at church and at school and sing on the weekends and often feel frazzled. This is just what i needed.
It is so edifying and up lifting to my soul and spirit.I am loving it.