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God will hold you when you can’t hold on
Video | 2:31 min
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.
Psalm 46:1, NLT
Ever had one of those weeks where you go to church on Sunday and your faith is pumped, sky rocketing, fever pitch? Then Monday rolls along, and reality comes barrelling in like a bowling ball, knocking the wind out of your Sunday faith.
I imagine that Peter in the Bible (Matt. 14:22-33) must’ve felt that way too. From walking on water to choking on water, he must’ve felt rather silly (after he got back on the boat with Jesus, and stopped freaking out about almost dying) about going from hero to zero in a split second.
The thing about the storms in our lives is that no matter how familiar they become or how many times we face them, sometimes the relentless battering of the waves just gets to us, so bad. Till we’re so exhausted from trying to keep our heads above the water, that we’re ready to give up and call it quits.
If that’s you right now, Jesus’ words for you today are the same words He uttered to His disciples after calmly appearing to them in the middle of a storm, while walking in the middle of the sea, as if that was a perfectly normal thing to do: “Don’t be afraid. Take courage. I am here!” (Matt. 14:27, NLT)
It’s basically Jesus saying to you, “Hey child, I’ve got this covered. These storms in your life, they don’t faze Me. I am above the storms, I walk above your challenges, and every adversity that’s sucking the life and the strength from you, they’re now Mine.”
And Him grabbing Peter right out of the water right there? That’s Jesus saying, “It doesn’t matter if you’re drowning because of circumstances that you couldn’t control, your own mistakes, or because you took your eyes off Me. I’ve got your back. I don’t need you to be strong, I am strong enough for you.”
So “Do not be afraid and do not panic (…) For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you” (Deut. 31:6, NLT).
If you’re feeling weak, worn out, and done trying to keep your head above the water today, know that even in your weakest moments, no, especially in your weakest moments, the Lord’s hands of love will reach you, even when you have no strength left to reach Him. For His Word says, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9, NLT).
Find comfort in knowing that Jesus is in your boat, right in the midst of your greatest storms. He knows how to lead you and save you every time!
This clip is from Becoming A Pillar In God’s House—As Revealed In The Life Of Peter (1 Jun 2014)
Categories: Faith, Fear & Worry, God's Love, Hope, Trusting God, Uncertainty
More on trusting God
God will hold you when you can’t hold on
Find comfort in knowing that Jesus is in your boat, right in the midst of your greatest storms
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Be it the first big fight or the final straw, the One who IS love understands and knows exactly how to restore what has been broken.
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Beautifully written. Very comforting.
Awesome! Thank you
My name is amy. Ive been struggling with drug addiction for 25 years. God got me off crack 5yrs ago but in the past year ive went back to using. I moved in with my parents 4 years ago to be there caretaker but living in the abuse that originaly sent me to drugs has pushed me back. I love jesus with all my heart but the harder i try to fight the shame and guilt the more it chokes me. I desperately want to be clean and my hearts desire is to witness about jesus to other addicts and the abused…
Yet here i am using. Ive got 2 of pastor princes books 16 cd sets i pray and read my bible…even while getting high..yet im falling back at a rapid pace and its heartbeaking and paralizing
Hi Amy,
Thank you for sharing with us what you are going through. We want you to know that our team is upholding you in prayer for the breakthroughs you need.
We are praying for you that our very powerful and loving Father will watch over you, protect you and keep you safe in this challenging period. At the cross, Jesus died on your behalf and was raised for your justification. By His precious blood, He has washed you so clean that you can receive abundance of grace and of the GIFT of God’s righteousness (see Rom. 5:17) to live a life that is victorious over sin. Today, you can walk right up to God’s throne of grace and ask for mercy and grace to help in time of need (see Heb. 4:16).
We would like to encourage you to pray and speak to your heavenly Father about your struggles and challenges. You are important and precious to Jesus, and we want to encourage you not to give up. He already knows all about what you are going through, and the beautiful thing is, He loves you nonetheless. Focus on His love for you and continue to trust in His strength and His grace to deliver you from your bondages.
We pray that as you continue to hear messages about your heavenly Father’s deep, unconditional, and unwavering love for you, and all that your Savior Jesus Christ has done to give you an abundant life (see John 10:10), you will catch a revelation of how you are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you (see Rom. 8:37)!
God has always loved you and been there for you. You just have to stop running. The abuse both physically and mentally you have been through could send anyone to drugs but you know God Can and will walk you through and when it gets to hard he will carry you.
You can’t let your past struggles or hurts define you. You have to define them, use them to push past and hold strong to God! Always remember back to the day you held your son and the amount of love you had for him- God loves you more than that! Hold tight to all of the times God brought you through when you should have died, from drugs or being beat so badly your family didn’t recognize you. Turn to the church, they can and will be there for you. Watch some of the services at it will be life changing.
Amy God will get you through it!! I have no doubt about it! I am praying for you
First off all, when I heard about this, my mother signed my sisters and me up almost instantly. I’m glad she did. I really like this and I hope it goes far! You guys have my blessing! <3
Wooooooooow am so excited for this… Please upload more and more of these articles, it speaks volumes to my heart.
it’s such a huge blessing…
Amen. Praise God so much for Joseph Prince Ministries and ministries all over unveiling Jesus. Thank you for this, I get to hear more and live more with a sense of Jesus’ love for me and His favor and grace on my life. He loves us so much, hallelujah. God bless you!
Thank YOU Jesus for Blessing me with this WORD! And I just want to say to Amy Noegel that if nothing else seems to be helping you overcome your hardships, please take comfort in knowing that our LORD JESUS LOVES YOU My Sister In Christ, and I LOVE YOU TOO! Jesus nailed your drug addiction to the cross, and you have already been SET FREE AND MADE A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST! YOU ARE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST! AS CHRIST IS, SO ARE YOU AMY IN THIS WORLD! In Jesus Name! Amen! Amen! Amen! Be Blessed Beloved! <3 -Dija
On May 29, I went into cardiac arrest for 8 minutes; doctors said I died. Yet here I am recovering and with your help, strengthening my faith and courage every day. I pray and have hope everyday brings healing to all areas of my life. Thank you for the You Tube sermons, the daily emails and now these short messages that help me through this process. God Bless.
God Bless You My Sister In Christ! By HIS Stripes You ARE Healed! Jesus Loves You, And So Do I! In Jesus Name! Amen! <3 -Dija
This is *so* beautiful. Thank You Jesus.
Dear Decibel,
If you were to make a t-shirt with the words from this video on it I would both purchase and wear it.
Thank you
P.S. – Dija your posts are very uplifting!
Wooow!! This is so uplifting, encouraging, strengthening and very applicable to every one who would dare believe this message. Thank you Pastor Prince. This kind of preaching will be the greatest harvest instrument of the end times. Peace.
Thank you my Jesus my super Hero.
I HAD depression for twelve years. After my last operation, I was referred, by my local doctor, to join a gym. To strengthen my stamina, in all aspects. I think I completed five sessions of different types of fitness.
The last gym session was back in August 2015, which I did fully complete. So making my way to the bus stop that I needed, in order to get home. I felt this large (but, gentle hand) on my left hand shoulder, and then another hand under my chin, as to lifted it up to see what was done. My interpretation was God placing back into society. GLORY be to GOD.
After a few days passed. I still felt that beautiful moment. And from the day, I have NOT experienced ANY MORE of the DEPRESSION I felt.
I will never, even, never ever forget this (God’s) day.
I have recently come back to God in all of the things that I have been facing. The biggest whirlwind that I have EVER experienced, and gone through, and COME through with my (our) Heavenly Father. Amen +
Hopefully, every soon, I will hear God telling me what my true purposes is for His works.
Can I be so cheeky, and ask, for every one to pray for me.
To hear my (our) Heavenly Father would be so, so amazing.
Thank you
From one of God’s children down here on earth. ^_~
Currently in “one” a storm . I’m trying to hang in there bc I know God is faithful even to the very end . At times it’s hard , I’m battling so many emotions being that my husband left me a couple months back . Pls keep me in prayer !
Hi …..i am so bless can enjoy this decibel one…i love all the story , you are perfect in writing which can bring me flow with the story and can feel the love of Jesus. Praise Him Name forever. I love you Jesus
My name is Tricia. I’m 51 from Scotland. For 35 years I’ve struggled with addiction it started at 16 when my Dr put me on powerful sedatives and then alcohol and eventually Grass. I became a new creation in Christ 2 and a half years ago. I was very sick. I started to get free. I’m the only believer in my family and there isn’t a church near me that preaches like Joseph prince. My minister told me to read the 10 commandments so I’d know when I was sinning. It was like dying inside. I watch Joseph prince and have 2 books. I love his ministery. But I have got so off track. Taking pills and getting drunk n smoking weed and I feel in a hopeless place. It’s wonderful to have the opportunity to share with others In Christ. I’ve been so isolated. Thank you?
We’re here for you! I live near lots of churches… have yet to find one that preaches like JP!! So I boycott church and instead listen daily to sermons of JP. I sleep to Grace sermons of JP. I hoard every bit of grace message I can find. I’ve bought all the books, and every monthly gift for a year. Building an arsenal & wall of Grace to ward off the religious “help” friends and family want to give. I feel your struggle! May your eyes be ever on Gods righteousness in you! ?
First of all I want to thank God for u guys. Am so glad I signed up for these. Right now my life is overwhelmed by the storms of life. I live in Germany and my son (12) lives in Kenya for the last 1and 1/2 yrs we’ve been trying to get him visa but of no vail. And just last month we did a DNA to prove he is my son the results came in and I thought after this we will not wait for long but still no word As a mother its drowning me so much as I watch my 10months daughter growing without seeing her brother what hurts most is when I have to call my son back in kenya and he asks me when he’s joining us. Sometimes I have confident but sometimes I am totally hopeless . And now just few weeks ago my son was diagnosed with absence epilepsy am sorry to say this but I was at the point where I questioned God. Why is this happening to my son we have struggled to and now I can provide for him I cannot be with him. But I just read this article and its has reminded me that Jesus is the Lord of my storms all is needed is to believe that He can handle all my struggles n storms . My work is to rest and just fix my eyes on His unwavering Love for me . I cannot hold on to him because I am wavering with my unfaithfulness and doubts but He Son of the Mighty God Is Holding to me because He is Almighty God. I was feeling so unease but after reading these am at His divine Peace . God bless u and Keep posting more by the grace of our Lord . Amen . Pray with me for my Son complete Healing and his Visa breakthrough
Hey Decibel Team,
Just want you guys to you know that your work here is touching lives. I share your vision in using the media and content to share the goodness of our Abba’s love. May it be multiplied back to you all many folds.
Found by Grace
Refreshing as the early morning dew. Thank you Decibel Team. I’ll keep on reading.
Thank you Jesus for saving me !!! Thank you for this awesome man of God preaching ‘Grace’ to the world.
THANKS I can breathe again.
Thank u for the encouragement..
Which sermon is this from?
Hi Jacob, the sermon is called: Becoming A Pillar In God’s House—As Revealed In The Life Of Peter – 1 June 2014 🙂
Yes.True.We are too slow to reach out to Jesus.But Jesus was not too slow to reach Us, in plenty of time.Jesus never leave us alone to suffer.He is our Comfort always!
This Ministry has changed my life in how I perceive Christianity. No words could express my thankfullness to you all and most of all to our Father Son and Holy Spirit. Praise our God and his righteousness that lives through us in Jesus Christ!! In Jesus’s name Amen????????❣????♀️????????????????????????????????????????❤????????????????♂️????????????
I have a question; There is a video sermon that speaks in more detail regarding the “EL” in the biblical names.
Can you tell me the name of that sermon?
God bless you Pastor Joseph Prince. You, your relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. Your wife, family, loved ones, friends community, congregation work and Ministry ; your service In Jesus’s name ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????☀️????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I love this! Thank you!