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God’s with you, especially when you’re down (Elijah Bible Study Part 2/3)
Video | 1:46 min
Bible reading for today: 1 Kings 19:1–8 (NLT)
If you’ve ever done things because of fear that seemed totally irrational on hindsight, you’re not alone. The prophet Elijah once FLED at a wicked woman Jezebel’s threat to kill him, even though he’d literally just killed all her prophets and disproved the existence of her god (see 1 Kings 19:1–3). But watch to see how the Lord never took His eyes off Elijah, even when Elijah lost sight of Him. Friend, there’s truly nothing God won’t do to make you feel His love, even more so when you’re down.
This clip is from Win Over Discouragement Depression And Burnout (19 Mar 2017)
This video is part of our Elijah Bible Study series, where we explore how Elijah was depressed and even suicidal at one point, but God never left him and loved him EVEN MORE in those times. Watch the rest of the series below.
Categories: Anxiety & Depression, Encouragement, Faith, Fear & Worry, God's Love
Watch the rest of this series
Lost your way? God’s still around. (Elijah Bible Study Part 3/3)
Meet the God who draws even closer in your valley moments/seasons of discouragement, depression and burnout.
God’s with you, especially when you’re down (Elijah Bible Study Part 2/3)
If you've ever done things because of fear that seemed totally irrational on hindsight, you're not alone.
God is nowHERE. (Elijah Bible Study Trailer)
If you're feeling low today, know that God loves you, you're not alone, and He’s got the way out.
The God who shows up (Elijah Bible Study Part 1/3)
As God heard Elijah’s cries and showed up, He hears you today and is your very present help in time of need.
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Thank you for the teaching of Elijah. It was just what I needed to hear and read to start my today. God Bless you all and the Ministries of JP!
I just love this 3 part series on Elijah. It’s so ministering to me personally. For awhile now, in the natural I’ve been dealing with a very difficult and painful situation and especially right now i was crying and crying and and i opened up my email to read pastor prince’s daily inspiration and i remembered about the elijah series from Decibel so i read it and listened to video and it is so blessing and ministering God’s faithful love to me. Thank u, sincerely Amelia
Where can I find this message in full
I would like the full message please advise how I can get it
Wow Pastor Prince you open eyes wide!!! Yes Jesus you are my greatest gift! What a great sermon!!
tq so much Jess P
your words just come in time
God is good all the time and all time God is good
will continue to live my life with His words.
So that I will not fall and have doubts
tq again May god bless you.
Thanks plaster prince your teachings touch our hearts this teaching is amazing,could you please give option to forward on wats app?I think it will be beneficial for many more like me.
Hallelujah & Amen!
The Lord used Pastor Prince to minister to me through this teaching!! I really needed it, and of course Gods timing is always perfect!! Blessings to you Joseph Prince, the Lord is using you mightily!!