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How do I draw near to God?
Video | 1:30 min
Is it by praying for 7 hours a day? Does it only happen when we are in church and are in a ‘spiritual’ atmosphere?
Check out our latest video and find out how easy God has made it for us to be near to Him. ????
Beloved, He is closer to you than you think. Would you choose to be conscious of His nearness to you? Simply by including and involving God in your day-to-day activities through conversations with Him. And you can be assured that any moment spent in His presence will never leave you feeling the same. ????
This clip is from: Joseph Prince—God Is A Gracious Rewarder (2 Oct 2016)
Categories: God's Love, Healing, Prayer, Relationship With God, Right Believing
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I’m so excited to have found him Pastor Joseph Prince AND All of the resources I thought I’d never known how simple it was to get to Abba father. Thank you so much for the simplicity the truth and love that you spread over to TBN and your web page. I am now more worry free to love and trust God