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How do I handle negative thoughts?

Video | 5:42 min

Ever had one of those days when you’re bombarded with thoughts about your failures, how alone you are, or how there’s no way out of your situation? ????

Believe it or not friend, these thoughts are not from you. And while we can’t stop the negative and disheartening thoughts from coming, we don’t have to be at the mercy of them! Jesus has paid the price so you can experience healing, deliverance and protection in every area of your life.

Hit the play button to hear where these discouraging thoughts come from and how to overcome them. Most of all, find out how in Jesus, you have a rock-solid foundation of hope for your future, freedom and health!

Save this video for a gloomy day or share it with someone who needs a reminder of God’s hope for them today! ????

This clip is from Win the Battle Over Hopelessness (25 Aug 2019)

Categories: Encouragement, Fear & Worry, Finished Work, Hope, Protection

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