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How much are you worth to God?
Video | 2:53 min
Are there moments when you wonder how much you mean to God? Perhaps when you ask Him for blessings or help, you question your own value. Perhaps you don’t feel of much value at all. Friend, you are worth so much to Him that He willingly gave up His only beloved Son to suffer and die for you, so that in Him you can have righteousness, blessings and eternal life (see Rom. 8:32). This was the hardest thing God ever had to do and it no doubt caused Him immense pain and heartbreak. But why did He do it? Because YOU are worth it.
Since your heavenly Father deems you so valuable that He gave up His only Son so that you might live, how much more will He give you everything else, such as healing and provision, that you ask Him for today? Child of God, don’t doubt the immeasurable love of your Father, nor the tremendous and special worth He has placed upon you. It’s when you recognize the truth of this that you will be able to fully receive and appreciate what the Lord has done for you, and how much He loves you!
You can freely ask of Him today, and be assured that He freely gives you every good thing (see James 1:17)! ????????
This clip is from How To Pray Powerful Prayers (16 Jun 2013)
Categories: Blessings, Finished Work, God's Love, Provision & Supply, Self-worth
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