Project Description

How to feed your faith

Video | 1:05 min

Today, the faith to believe for whatever physical, mental or emotional healing you need is not found in your own efforts or how faith-filled you’re feeling that day. It is found in the finished work of Jesus.

Because of what Jesus has done for you at the cross, today you can believe that healing is yours to RECEIVE because healing is a gift that is righteously yours—paid fully by the blood of Jesus (see Isa. 53:4-6).

And on the days when you find no strength to believe that, listen to grace-filled teachings (like this video!) and allow the truths preached to stir up faith in you again!

This clip is from Believe He Wants To Heal And Provide (30 Sep 2018)

Categories: Breakthrough, Faith, God's Word, Hearing God, Right Standing With God

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