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How to keep believing even when you don’t see your miracle
Video | 1:59 min
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about listening to the Word of God. And maybe you’ve been doing just that—hearing the Word! But nothing seems to be changing and argh, things seem to be getting worse… #relate?
Then check out this special video that we’ve prepared for you and gain a new perspective on hearing and finding strength even in the waiting.
Don’t give up! God is still working behind the scenes and He will be faithful to bring to pass the work He has started (see Phil. 1:6).
This clip is from Listen To The Preached Word And See Breakthroughs (24 Jan 2016)
Categories: Encouragement, God's Word, Healing, Hope, Waiting
More on healing
The secret to starting the year strong
What’s the secret to starting (and more importantly, ending) well?
How to keep believing even when you don’t see your miracle
Gain a new perspective on hearing and finding strength even in the waiting.
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This speaks exactly of my life right now. I don’t see the miracle of a postion of influence(job) coming despite nearly a year of praying nor a change in my finances. It gets harder to believe as the months go by and there is not a sign of God intervening. It’s even harder when everyone around me gets their miracle instantly but I will keep trusting. Pray for me
Thank you for your wonderful encouraging emails. Decibel is so helpful not just to young people but all ages, maybe especially those of “advancing years” because disappointments can heap up over the passing years. These emails provide very timely snippets of true Bible hope. I must have forgotten about Micah 7:7. Wow, what a verse!
I am going through a tough season. I am unemployed for three years continously. I don’t know what to do, there is no progress. Every company I apply rejects my application, all exams i write for employment I fail. I am completely worn out, I don’t know what to do. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME
Por favor ativem uma legenda em Português . Eu acompanho o Pastor Joseph Prince no canal ” Boas Novas ” no Brasil, mas as pregações são traduzidas. Não falo inglês e não consigo saber o que ele diz por outros canais de mídia. Ajudem !
Excellent excerpt! Your messages are all so very encouraging and edifying.
Blessings in Christ Jesus.