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God’s grace—too good to be true?
Video | 1:11 min
Grace—God’s freely-given favour that we neither earned nor deserved—is it too good to be true? There must be some hidden clause to it, right?
Press play and see how God’s grace is BOTH good AND true. It isn’t dependent on our merits, nor on how well we “Christian”. And although it came to us free, it cost God everything.
When we receive grace, it doesn’t cause us to live flippantly but like what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:10 (TLB), “…whatever I am now it is all because God poured out such kindness and grace upon me.” He adds that he’s worked harder than all the other apostles, but it was really God working in him, to bless him.
This clip is from Receive God’s Supply For All Of Life’s Demands (13 Oct 2013)
This video is part of our series, The Case For Grace—discover why grace isn’t #basic at all. Watch the rest of the clips in this series below.
Categories: Blessings, Finished Work, Grace, Self-effort, Sin
Watch the rest of this series
Tired of trying so hard to be good?
See how what your good works couldn’t do, God’s grace has done for you.
Why you can receive what you don’t deserve
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God’s grace—too good to be true?
See how God’s grace is BOTH good AND true. It isn’t dependent on our merits, nor on how well we “Christian”.
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Why you can be so sure that God’s forgiven you
Find out why your conscience can rest fully in the truth that YES, God has justly forgiven all your sins.
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