Project Description
How to keep love alive in your marriage
Video | 1:56 min
God is no stranger to the state of your marriage. Whether it’s your first big fight or the final straw, the One who IS love understands, and knows exactly how to restore what has been lost or broken. Watch this video to hear how God wants to make your relationship as sweet as intoxicating wine, never running dry.
This clip is from Receive God’s Grace For All Of Life’s Demands (13 Oct 2013)
Categories: Family, Love, Marriage, Relationships, Restoration, Trusting God
More on restoration
No matter what’s happened, I love you. — God
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Pls pray for our marriage .we have been married for over 32 years, but since 15 years it’s not been good. I have been praying earnestly and inviting our Lord since we were born again and that’s almost 11 years. It’s only about disrespect, and pray from this day God will do a miracle, each day am expecting the same. Well, now am in hands of your Prayer warriors, Amen
WOW/WONDERFUL MESSAGE? I will take it to heart!
Lord Jesus, I invite You into my marriage and receive Your love afresh. Thank You Jesus!
Yes very insightful. So good to be reminded of Jesus first miracle! That was the perfect example to use. I now have hope for my new relationship being revived and taken to the next level into something more permanent.
Thank you. It was such a timely message. The words of hope minister a quiet assurance for my future.
Thank you so much for these words of wisdom, encouragement, ,and faith. I need the Lord ‘s amazing love and direction for me today. I cannot, but God can.
Thank you
Thank you I enjoy every message you send
What happens when you have already signed the divorce papers and your husband is already living with another women? How does that hurt go away especially if I didn’t want the divorce. I didn’t want to be out of God’s covering. He’s been in and out jail and I raised our only child on my own and I’m left alone. Will I be blessed with someone who loves God and loves me? What of our marriage? I’m so hurt and sad but yet if he doesn’t love me anymore, I just have a hard time moving on.
Hi Kim,
Thanks lots for reaching out. We are deeply sorry for your loss, and are keeping you and your child in prayer. We want you to know that the Lord feels your pain and He is so close to you right now. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know that God holds your future—and as a child of God, He’s promised that it’ll only get brighter and brighter from here (Prov. 4:18). As King David once said of the Lord, “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing” (Ps. 30:11 NLT), we’re praying that it’ll be the same for you. You are also not alone, for the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you. Friend and lover was put far from Him at the cross, so that we’ll have these people in our lives (Ps 88:18 NASB).
Praying a fresh dose of the Lord’s love, peace and hope into your heart today.
-Sarah, Team Decibel
Hi Kim, I’m just reading your words…my heart breaks and aches for you. May I encourage you to draw close to the mender of broken hearts, Jesus, He longs to heal your every hurt; hide yourself under the shadow of His wings and let His love wash over you. Zeph 3:17 (nlt) calls you, “…the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” You might just sit and calling the name of “Jesus…”, you might cry, with no words at all, but know HE ‘reads’ every precious tear. He calls you to, “…trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:8 (nlt) Pour out your heart to God, don’t hold back. I’m a witness, He draws you close and will comfort you; He truly loves and cares for you and your child.
Thank you Pastor Prince,
I am revert from Muslim to Christian and Ever since you have come into my life you have enhanced my love for the Lord and I understand so much more everyday from you. My life is so much more than it was and I sincerely thank and praise the Lord for that and not forgetting you as well. From most of the explainations you give us on a daily basis I have written a prayer that I pray everyday and this has changed my life in so many ways its amazing. Yes, I have prayed that my relationship with my children, families and friends will get stronger and stand together as we go along for I have the Lord in me and that he loves me and he’s always with me. Being a single mum of three was not easy but the Lord has shown me differently through you. Thank you very much.
Hi Lizzy,
Thanks for sending me this article on marriage, i’m a keen follower of Joseph Prince teachings. I refer to him as my online Pastor. I and my husband have been separated for13 years now, i’m trusting God for re- union and intoxicating marriage.
God bless you and the team in Joseph Prince ministry.
Wow! I feel as though God really addressed me in this one. Thank you so much Lizzy and Decibel for this message. God bless you.
Very beautiful! Thank you for words of grace for my marriage! Thank you for a new revelation on God’s live for me and my wife!
Awesome truth . We need to feel God’s love first and be aware of it every moment so we can love others instead of judging them .
Then sings my soul my Saviour God to thee ..How great thou art how great thou art…
Surely my heart is filled with Joy and my tongue with laughter..this is a true weapon placed in my hand to win in my marriage. Thanks to you all Team JP.. you are a blessing to this generation
Am so Blessed with the article. Thank you.
Thank you so much for these words of unconditional love from Christ Jesus, I Will own this message and blessings for me and my family, I ask for help with prayer for myself and my step daughter, she needs to find God to be able to start a new life with our Lord and her newly found family, I also need help and prayers to heal my heart from the past. TY. GOD BLESS YOU All
Such powerful Truths that I will surely apply to my marriage thanks team JP God bless you and your families in Jesus name Amen!!!