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Love Has Won The War (Spoken Word)
Video | 2:16 min
Have you ever thought: “Yes…I know Christ died for me, but what does that mean for me in my everyday life?”
Did you know that when Jesus died on that cross for you, He didn’t just win victory in the greatest, most epic war of all eternity. He also won the war for your PEACE today. His love has won every battle against the accusing and condemning lies in your head, and the storms of emotional turmoil that might be raging in your heart. So join us over the next week as we show you, again and again and again, what Jesus’ finished work means for you today in very real and practical ways!
This clip is from Set Free To Reign In Life (Live@MegaFest) (9 Jul 2017)
This video is part of our series, Love Has Won The War—see how Jesus didn’t just win victory in the greatest, most epic war of all eternity. He also won the war for your PEACE today.
Categories: Finished Work
More on God’s finished work
Love has won the war (Spoken word video)
See what Jesus' finished work means for you today in very real and practical ways.
The greatest demonstration of His love for you
Press play to see how God has taken the depths of our depravity, and turned it into His greatest act of love for all eternity.
The war against worthlessness
Watch this clip to see just how much you mean to the Lord of the universe Himself, and how much He DELIGHTS in loving you.
The war against disqualification
Get ready to witness the most unfair exchange in history—one that is unfairly good in our favor.
You will not be a fatherless generation
See how Jesus took our place of fatherlessness to remove all distance between us and God.
The war against guilt
Live knowing that there’s now no more condemnation for everyone who trusts in Him (Rom 8:1).
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Amen! LORD JESUS HEALED the sick, lame, blind, deaf and many healings for many people. I thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord. Brothers and sisters, please pray that my first wife and her family members will accept You as their Lord and Savior. Thank you! God bless you and your family members!
It is finished, it is a done deal, He has won and He has won for me!
Thank you, thank you Jesus.
Amen. Real Truth. Teal Beats
Amen Real Truth. Real Beats
Amen PRAISE THE LORD!!!!…..That was AWESOME!!!!
Creatively well done! I am 67 years old too. Lol
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Nice one. Well done.
Glory to Jesus! May his love reign forever in thy lands. Amen