Project Description

Overcome anxiety and panic attacks with these 7 reminders

Video | 9:38 min

Sometimes the biggest battles we fight are the ones on the inside of us. But even though they may be battles fought in secret or behind closed doors, we want you to know that God doesn’t leave you when you’re feeling these emotions or going through another panic attack. And He’s definitely not ashamed of you for feeling these emotions. In fact, He is right there with you. ????

We have put together 7 reminders that we pray will help you turn your eyes upon Him, your Prince of Peace and allow His unshakable, shalom peace replace every anxiety and fear. There’s nothing wrong with feeling anxious or fearful and certainly nothing wrong with talking about it, but let’s keep it real with what the Word of God says! Press play and hear all about it now.

Categories: Anxiety & Depression, Breakthrough, Fear & Worry, God's Love, Healing, Peace

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