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Is healing only for Christians?
Video | 0:51 min
If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “My friend’s an unbeliever. Will God answer my prayer for his/her healing?” You’ve gotta watch this video. It will set your heart at rest and give you the confidence to pray to Him!
This clip is from The Friend You Can Always Depend On (12 Feb 2017)
Categories: Blessings, Healing, Sharing Faith
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Yeah! Obvi!
Of course unbelievers can get healed. It is most a times through these healings that make them want to know who Daddy God is.
In fact, I think that the rate at which unbelievers and Christians get healed in a particular area in general goes to the unbelievers. Most a times, Christians look to themselves if they “deserve” their healing, but unbelievers would just look up to Daddy God.
That’s one of the things I love about JP Ministries. Every day, I’ve been given the realization that Daddy God is in love with me, so much that He sent Jesus Christ, his begotten son to die for me. This truth just drives me to accept His Perfect Love and every beautiful thing He’s got in store for me. 😀
I needed to hear this. Thank you JP