Project Description
The greatest demonstration of His love for you
Video | 1:05 min
Blessed Easter, fam! If the past 5 videos we’ve posted have felt like soaking in warm baths of the Lord’s love, today’s video will be like jumping into an ocean of it. :’) Press play to see how God has taken the depths of our depravity, and turned it into His greatest act of love for all eternity.
We can celebrate Easter today because Jesus didn’t just die on the cross for us—He rose from the grave as proof that God’s accepted His payment for all our sins, and that we can now have an unending, unbreakable relationship with Him for all time (see Rom 4:25, 2 Cor 5:18–19). Truly, as the old hymn goes: Because He [Jesus] lives, we can face tomorrow. And life is worth living, just because He lives…in us believers, always.
This clip is from Set Free To Reign In Life (Live@MegaFest) (9 Jul 2017)
This video is part of our series, Love Has Won The War—see how Jesus didn’t just win victory in the greatest, most epic war of all eternity. He also won the war for your PEACE today.
Categories: Finished Work, God's Love, Grace, Sin
Watch the rest of this series
Love has won the war (Spoken word video)
See what Jesus' finished work means for you today in very real and practical ways.
The greatest demonstration of His love for you
Press play to see how God has taken the depths of our depravity, and turned it into His greatest act of love for all eternity.
The war against worthlessness
Watch this clip to see just how much you mean to the Lord of the universe Himself, and how much He DELIGHTS in loving you.
The war against disqualification
Get ready to witness the most unfair exchange in history—one that is unfairly good in our favor.
You will not be a fatherless generation
See how Jesus took our place of fatherlessness to remove all distance between us and God.
The war against guilt
Live knowing that there’s now no more condemnation for everyone who trusts in Him (Rom 8:1).
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Amen! I thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord for You loved us on the cross and on the third day You rose from the dead. I thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord You rose from the dead.
His love is unconditional, His grace is neverending. He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. The victory is ours, only in His name! Praise and glory be to God and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – forever and ever!
God bless ????
M grateful for the blood of Jesus because it redeem me. Thank u Jesus for your love
Magnificent – Thank you for such stirring and wonderful clips to remind us of His amazing love and grace that has been poured out
on us all – Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to see this!
Please open the eyes of all who should happen to tune into these clips – no-one is excluded – Thank you Jesus.
Amen Children of GOD..
One time i asked JESUS how much do you love me Lord?
HE Smiled opened his arms wide bowed his head and GAVE UP HIS LIFE❤
i see you Trevor HALLELUJIAH