Project Description
Tired of trying so hard to be good?
Video | 1:10 min
All our well-intentions and efforts to do good cannot make us right with God—as the Apostle Paul famously once made very clear (see Rom. 7:21-25). But the good news is, Jesus’ finished work on the cross 2000 years ago has already done that, and secured our eternal salvation.
Not convinced yet? Press play and see how what your good works couldn’t do, God’s grace has done for you. And when we live under His grace, that’s when sin has no dominion over us, and we find ourselves doing the good we were previously trying so hard to do (see Rom. 6:14)!
This clip is from Receive God’s Supply For All Of Life’s Demands (13 Oct 2013)
This video is part of our series, The Case For Grace—discover why grace isn’t #basic at all. Watch the rest of the clips in this series below.
Categories: Finished Work, Grace, Rest, Right Believing, Right Standing With God, Self-effort
Watch the rest of this series
Tired of trying so hard to be good?
See how what your good works couldn’t do, God’s grace has done for you.
Why you can receive what you don’t deserve
How is it that God would give us His blessings like forgiveness and healing even when we don’t deserve them?
God’s grace—too good to be true?
See how God’s grace is BOTH good AND true. It isn’t dependent on our merits, nor on how well we “Christian”.
Identity switch: The innocent is counted guilty, so the guilty could walk free
Through the cross, Jesus bridged the gap between us and God for all time, enabling us to call God our Father.
How you can experience God’s grace every day
God’s grace is FOR YOU, every single day, and will be present in your life in the most practical of ways.
Why you can be so sure that God’s forgiven you
Find out why your conscience can rest fully in the truth that YES, God has justly forgiven all your sins.
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Thank you so much. I have been learning sooooo much from your emails and videos. God always chooses the best to pass on knowledge of his word to people like us. May God always BLESS you and your family in abundance to do more in Jesus Name.
Glory to God and thanks for His free gift of righteousness.